In April of 2011, Mayor Bloomberg backed the New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s motion to phase out low-grade residual heating oils #6 and #4 in New York City over the next couple of years. Grades #6 and #4 heating oils are among the dirtiest of fuels, and therefore, are responsible for 86% of the total soot pollution. The following terms were designed to greatly reduce air pollution in New York City, as well as minimize costs for building owners. This is what you need to know in 2013:
- Effective immediately, newly installed burners and boilers may not use oil numbers #4 or #6, but instead must use a low-sulfur #2 heating oil, biodiesel, natural gas, or steam.
- As of 2012, existing boilers still using grade #6 oil must switch to a low-sulfur #4 oil or cleaner before their 3-year certificate can be renewed. Any building that uses grade #6 for their boilers beyond this point will not receive a renewed Certificate of Operations. This will ensure that by 2015, a complete phase-out of grade #6 will have taken place.
- Building owners will be allowed to apply for an extension to complete the transition to the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, should more time be required. These extensions will generally be granted to owners managing a large number of buildings to accommodate the amount of licensed boiler installers available, as well as the time it takes to schedule and complete work of this caliber.
- By 2030, or upon new installation of boilers and burners, all buildings will have converted to grade #2’a cleaner, safer fuel. This will be mandatory to receive a new or renewed Certificate of Operation unless the applicant can demonstrate that the oil grade #4 and/or #6 will not emit more PM and NOx than fuel oil grade #2 on an annual basis. This allows building owners enough time to properly convert to grade #2, while eliminating the use of #6 as quickly as possible.
These new regulations are all part of the PlaNYC initiative to improve the environment and minimize our carbon footprint by 2030. By that time, this particular movement in the initiative will be greatly responsible for the reduction in pollution-related health problems in New York City, which averaged at around 6,000 visits per year to the ER alone.
If you are nearing the expiration date of your three-year Certificate of Operation, you’ll need to consider what this means for your building(s). American Boiler Company can assist you with the conversion from oil grades #6 and #4 to #2 or natural gas. To schedule an appointment or talk to one of our knowledgeable sales professionals, fill out this form or call us at (973) 923-1999.